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Monday, April 18, 2011

Expository Essay: What do you think people of your age can do to improve life in your country?

Everyone plays a part in nation building, no matter how small the role. In my opinion, everyone is able to contribute to improving life in Singapore, even those of my age. Secondary school students are able to improve life in Singapore in three main areas - at home, at school and in the community.

Firstly, how secondary school students can improve life at home. A student can easily improve life at home, by making his family happier and by minimising the work load of family members, which is essentially improving the quality of life of his or her family members. The student can be polite and filial to his or her parents, as well as kind and understanding towards any siblings. This will ensure a conducive, peaceful and pleasant atmosphere at home, and will certainly boost the spirits of his or her family members. Keeping the mind healthy is definitely improving life. Another thing a student can do is to help with the housework at home such as washing dishes, or even if the student is unused to such work, simple things such as not throwing dirty laundry anywhere but instead piled up neatly, or placing dining equipment such as plates, bowls and cutlery into the sink instead of waiting for others to clear up after him or her. This will relieve some stress on family members and thus, improve the quality of life at home as well.

Next, secondary school students can improve life in school by helping classmates and teachers with certain work, such as teaching classmates about topics they are unsure of, or helping teacher’s to carry files and books. This will improve their quality of life as they will be able to relax occasionally during a stressful day, or will help improve grades which will in turn, allow that person to be better able to succeed in life. Another way of improving life in school is by working hard. When one works hard in school, one will be able to go to better universities and thus, when they come back to Singapore, there will be more experts in different areas in Singapore. These experts will then be able to improve life in Singapore, doctors being able to cure sick people, lawyers being able to defend innocent people, researchers being able to find new ways to cure illnesses and new innovations that will allow for more convenience in the country, among many other things. By working hard now in school, one will be able to improve life in the country greatly in the long run.

Lastly, secondary school students are able to improve life in Singapore in the communal level. Singapore has an aged population, and much care has to be taken of the elderly, as well as those handicapped or with learning disabilities. Secondary school students, being more mature, more understanding in such matters, less busy than adults and fitter than primary school students should take time to help the community in community involvement programmes, or even individually. Another way that secondary school students can help the disadvantaged and elderly is by donating money. The pocket money of students has increased rather greatly over the past decade and students are getting richer. Instead of using savings to buy unnecessary items such as earphones, comics and other non-necessities, the students can instead donate these savings to Voluntary Welfare Organizations whose aim is to help those disadvantaged in one way or another. If every student donated just one dollar, a total of about one hundred and thirty-five thousand dollars would have been donated! Imagine how useful this amount of money would be to handicapped people, or elderly.

There are many other ways a secondary school student can help improve life in Singapore; what I have listed is just a few. Thus, I believe that there are many things people of my age can do to help improve life in my country.


  1. Hi Kai En,

    Haha, I'm find your post extremely valid. Sadly to say, in our world, there are many youths who disregard their significance in this world, and instead constantly partake in meaningless activities like partying and making a fool of themselves. Indeed, although what the average teenager can do to help may seem little, if every teen thinks like the way you do, I believe that much help can be rendered upon those less fortunate than us. We can also do our part to help those around us, like how you provided examples like helping the family and teachers.

    I really liked your post, as I feel that it is especially meaningful, and strikes a chord with me, and I can also relate to it. Thanks for this post, and I really enjoyed reading and thinking about it! :)


  2. Hi Kai En,

    I like this blog post as it links the two topics that we will or have been learning for our LA lessons. Now, let me comment on some of your strong and weak points.

    Firstly, I like the fact that you stated what war and prejudice were, and your feelings on them because it helps to lay a foundation for readers to better understand what you will be talking about. I also liked this topic because I never really thought that prejudice and war shared a common link. At first, when I read your first example, I was not convinced that the link was really there. However, it was good that you gave a real-life example (the Holocaust, though I am not sure it is a WAR), helping me to understand your point much better. Another thing to improve is that the point about war leading to prejudice is not very strong because I think what the people have is a GRUDGE, not PREJUDICE. Therefore, you have to be careful with your words. Finally, your conclusion was good because it summed up everything at provided a final point of insight.

    All in all, a sound attempt at trying to link these two topics, it was really an insightful and unique post!


  3. Hi Kai En,

    Haha, I'm find your post extremely valid. Sadly to say, in our world, there are many youths who disregard their significance in this world, and instead constantly partake in meaningless activities like partying and making a fool of themselves. Indeed, although what the average teenager can do to help may seem little, if every teen thinks like the way you do, I believe that much help can be rendered upon those less fortunate than us. We can also do our part to help those around us, like how you provided examples like helping the family and teachers.

    I really liked your essay, and although this wasn’t a self-initiated post, I really enjoyed reading your essay! :D

