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Friday, August 19, 2011


What I'm going to do for this and the next blog post, is in my opinion, rather interesting. Probably being the last two posts I will be writing, and almost certainly the last two posts that will be read on this blog, I have decided to do something special. There are many events happening in the world - Thailand has its first female Premier, the SMRT train depot was broken into again and vandalised. Instead of looking at things through my own point of view, I have decided that I will carry out my last two blog posts as such: firstly, I will look at a blog post that has been posted by my classmate, comment on it, and further elaborate on my own points of view here. So, let it begin.

The Usage of a Cell Phone by MP Penny Low during the National Anthem in the National Day Celebrations

So, apparently, an MP, Miss Penny Low, was photographed to have been using her cell phone during the national anthem during the national day celebrations. And apparently, she had said that she was going to a picture of the fireworks. I think that she should not have been using her cell phone, at least, not during the national anthem. What is the purpose of the National Anthem? In order to show one's patriotism to one's country. In fact, to be extremely strict, whenever one hears the National Anthem, one should stop one's activities and stand still as a sign of respect. However, more and more increasingly, people are becoming more relaxed during the National Anthem. One example would be in school, where students could be fooling around when the National Anthem is playing, or when they are supposed to recite the National Pledge. This is a sign of disrespect to the country, and reflects one's character and attitude. Even if one has a valid reason for wanting to use one's cell phone, for example, if one has an urgent business to conduct, which category taking pictures of fireworks is definitely excluded from, one should wait till the end of the anthem. After all, it lasts only slightly over one and a half minutes, and most urgent matters can wait for at least one and a half minutes. Furthermore, being an MP, Miss Penny Low should be a role model and should have been stricter with her behaviour. However, I think that some criticisms of her are exaggerated, and those people are just using this as an opportunity to criticise the PAP. Lastly, I would like to point out that the person who took the photo, was obviously not showing respect to the National Anthem as well.

Technology and its Benefits

Another topic that was discussed was how technology is beneficial, be it from how computers have made the world better, to how blogs are able to develop a person. I think that, however, technology is not all about benefits - there are also quite a number of demerits as well. Firstly, however, I shall talk about the benefits. Apparently, blogs are able to allow one to think more critically and serves as an outlet for emotions, while at the same time, allow for academic discussion. Computers have made work much more efficient and also allowed for things to be more precise. Apparently, computer games can develop one's self-confidence. I agree with the benefits that they can provide, having maintained my own blog for two years. I feel that blogs are also a very good way of sharing different information and perspectives, as it is almost inevitable that two people will post on the same topic, and one can learn about the different perspectives out there. I think that a computer also has its benefits, as it allows work to be completed more quickly. With the computer, information is at one's finger tips - just go to a search engine, as compared to the past where one may have had to go to the library for information.

However, there are also certain disadvantages of technology. Not mentioning the cliché computer game addiction and distraction that computers provide, I feel that technology has made people much more lazier. In the past, where one had to work in order to learn something, and in order to do research, they had to go to the library, now, they can instead just search the internet. Or else, those even lazier ones would just post their questions on Yahoo! Answers, Wiki Answers, or other similar such sites. People now are not independent, but have to rely on the computer to complete even the simplest of tasks. If they do not know about something, or meet a certain difficulty, without thinking over the problem, they use the computer to find their answers. The computer has truly made humans lazier, not just physically but mentally as well.

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