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Sunday, February 28, 2010

Intrapersonal assignment b

Who would you want to be friends with in the Flowers for Algernon. Explain your choice.

I would like to be friends with Doctor Nemur. Why? Well, Doctor Nemur is the smartest character in the story (excluding Charlie Gordon after the operation) and created the method to increasing human intelligence. I would like to learn from him about how the operation was done and what were the scientific concepts behind them.

Although Doctor Nemur is arrogant and does not treat mentally retarded people with respect, he was still gifted. If he continued developing his experiment and finds a way to make the intelligence increasing operation irreversible, he would revolutionize the world! After all, who does not want to be friends with a famous and gifted scientist, such as Albert Einstein?

Many readers would perhaps prefer to be friends with Charlie Gordon, as he is kind, to be pitied and et cetera. However, that is all because of how the author Daniel Keyes portrays them! The point of view of the story is through Charlie Gordon's eyes, so whatever entries he post are biased towards him, even if he thinks it is not. It is nature that Man thinks that whatever he does is right, or at least not as bad as what other people think it is. If the story had been written in Doctor Nemur's point of view, readers will probably start pitying him. After all, he has gone through so much work to create such an experiment to have it end with Doctor Strauss trying to snatch his fame and finally to have the experiment fail.

In conclusion, I want to be friends with Doctor Nemur not only for his intelligence but also because I feel that no one cares about him.

Chong Kai En, 1I106

My learner profile: Intrapersonal

I feel that the Multiple Intelligence test is very interesting as I have never encountered such a logical test to determine your learning preference style.

The Multiple Intelligence test is very helpful as it allows teachers to understand their students better and can thus employ the best method to teach the students. Conventional learning, where everyone learns the same thing the same way makes the chore of teaching simpler but if the multiple intelligence test differentiated teaching method were to be employed, students will learn faster and there would be no need for after-school remedial or repeating of the same lesson.

Of course, the multiple intelligence test differentiated teaching method can not be applied everywhere, like Intrapersonal teaching is unlikely to be applied to Mathematics, and Logical to Language Arts.

The Multiple Intelligence test is rather accurate, at least to me. I agree with the test that I am more Intrapersonal and Logical, and least Naturalistic, Kinaesthetic and Linguistic. However, the test could have more questions to improve on its accuracy, as I do not think that I am more Interpersonal than Linguistic, though that may be because I am not Intrapersonal enough, even if it has the highest mark in the test.

Also, the accuracy of the Multiple Intelligence test depends on the honesty and accuracy of the test-takers, so the test may not even be accurate at all. It depends on how the test-takers view themselves.

Chong Kai En, 1I106

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Interesting points and the Importance of Realism and the Characters in Flowers For Algernon

Realism is important in Flowers for Algernon (FFA) because the purpose of FFA is to tell people that the mentally retarded should not be mistreated and should be treated with equal respect. Reality will allow the reader to understand the story better, like Charlie Gordon and Algernon better, thus realizing what the mentally retarded are going through and to reflect on how the readers have mistreated the mentally retarded. When they start reflecting on their actions, they will probably start acting on it and thus, the objective of FFA, which is to make people realize that they should treat the mentally retarded with equal respect, will be fulfilled.

Next, about the characters. Charlie Gordon and Algernon started as rivals in the maze race but after Charlie Gordon beat Algernon once, he gained a slight sense of superiority and so started liking Algernon. However, when Algernon died, they became soul-mates. Charlie Gordon also respected Algernon and thus, named the Algernon-Gordon effect the Algernon-Gordon effect. Charlie Gordon put "Algernon" before his own name because he owed it to Algernon to discover the effect and because he respected Algernon. If Algernon had not started to be less intelligent before Charlie Gordon, the Algernon-Gordon effect may not have been discovered. Also, when, Algernon started being uncooperative, he bit Charlie Gordon, drawing blood. When Algernon bit Charlie, there was a physical connection between the two of them.