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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Interesting points and the Importance of Realism and the Characters in Flowers For Algernon

Realism is important in Flowers for Algernon (FFA) because the purpose of FFA is to tell people that the mentally retarded should not be mistreated and should be treated with equal respect. Reality will allow the reader to understand the story better, like Charlie Gordon and Algernon better, thus realizing what the mentally retarded are going through and to reflect on how the readers have mistreated the mentally retarded. When they start reflecting on their actions, they will probably start acting on it and thus, the objective of FFA, which is to make people realize that they should treat the mentally retarded with equal respect, will be fulfilled.

Next, about the characters. Charlie Gordon and Algernon started as rivals in the maze race but after Charlie Gordon beat Algernon once, he gained a slight sense of superiority and so started liking Algernon. However, when Algernon died, they became soul-mates. Charlie Gordon also respected Algernon and thus, named the Algernon-Gordon effect the Algernon-Gordon effect. Charlie Gordon put "Algernon" before his own name because he owed it to Algernon to discover the effect and because he respected Algernon. If Algernon had not started to be less intelligent before Charlie Gordon, the Algernon-Gordon effect may not have been discovered. Also, when, Algernon started being uncooperative, he bit Charlie Gordon, drawing blood. When Algernon bit Charlie, there was a physical connection between the two of them.

1 comment:

  1. Kai En, I do not think that your explanation of the physical connection between Algernon and Charlie Gordon was clear enough. Was it that they became "one", or that Charlie Gordon felt pain?

    I also feel that even if Algernon was not a successful experiment, there would always be another experiment until the experiment turns out to be successful, and that is where Charlie Gordon would come in. But, I agree with you on the point that things could be different. The scientist and Charlie Gordon's opinion on things could have been different then, and the Algernon-Gordon effect would not ahve been discovered. Still, I feel that there is still room for improvement for the relationship between Charlie and Algernon. Keep on going!

    Ching Kai Xiang 1I1 05
